B2B companies always need to find new marketing strategies to keep up with the ever-evolving market. 2020 and 2021 saw shifts in the way businesses marketed themselves due to the pandemic. 

With more people staying at home, there was even more emphasis on digital marketing than ever before. 

Looking forward to 2022, this trend is only going to continue. 

The competition is also going to keep rising – for B2B businesses to stand out, they will need to focus on high-quality content and personalisation. 

If you are a B2B company, watch out for these marketing trends you need to know about in 2022. 

B2B Marketing Trends

Article Contents

Social Media Content 

There will be a rise in social media content in 2022. Businesses will need to work with social media’s various algorithms to come out on top and beat the competition. 

For B2B marketing, you must focus on content that appeals to businesses and professionals who benefit from your services. 

LinkedIn especially will see an increase in content for B2B marketing. With the new creator mode in the LinkedIn settings, there will be much more focus on the user’s content, which, in turn, means more relevant people will follow. 

To make the most of this, switch on creator mode on your LinkedIn profile and post consistent, high-quality content. Doing so will enable more businesses to engage with your content and your brand. 

Facebook will stay helpful for B2B marketing, too, with more emphasis on events and group pages, allowing companies to engage with more relevant community users. In addition, businesses will focus on starting more conversations and posting lengthy content on Facebook. 

Twitter has also recently introduced Twitter Spaces, where users can have live conversations with their followers. This real-time engagement will only grow in popularity throughout 2022, with businesses using platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok to speak with their audience in real-time. 

B2B businesses will hop on this trend to connect with their audience while building their brand. 

Local SEO 

Due to COVID-19, decision-makers search for local firms online rather than in person, mainly because more people work from home. For this reason, local SEO is one of the top B2B marketing trends that will become increasingly popular throughout 2022. 

Instead of using SEO to attract a broad scope of people, B2B companies will use local SEO to attract clients in a specific geographic area. 

Local SEO involves using local keywords and local landing pages to rank in that area so that all nearby users can find you. For example, you may include the city’s name in your keywords so that when businesses search for a nearby service, they come across your company. 

More attention will also be paid to Google My Business and claimed business pages. These can be optimised and updated with relevant imagery and information, keeping local users updated without taking them away from search.

B2B Marketing Trend

Mobile-friendly Sites 

Google has ranked mobile-friendly sites higher for years now, and it will continue throughout 2022. Moreover, since mobile indexing was introduced in 2019, Google has even prioritised the mobile version of websites over the desktop version. 

For this reason, B2B marketing strategies need to include a website that runs effectively on mobile. That means creating mobile-friendly web pages that inform your current and prospective clients about your business and how it can help them. 

Condensed text, minified code, optimised images, and fewer pop-ups are essential starting blocks for a better mobile experience. 

SEO Content Refreshment 

Content will continue to be the focus for many B2B marketers, but it won’t just be about coming up with new, fresh ideas. 

In 2022, many business blogs will include refreshed content from years before. With a large amount of similar content on the web, this will prove crucial for staying high in the Google ranks.

For example, if your business writes about manufacturing goods, you may already have articles covering the best types of textile materials for different functions. To ensure no other business writing similar content to that ranks higher (and potentially gains what could have been your client), you would write that article in an updated, refreshed style. 

The critical thing here is that the content is relevant to your customers.


Artificial intelligence is making many businesses’ processes much easier, and that includes B2B marketing. 

In 2022, even more, B2B companies will be using chatbots to connect with their clients and potential customers. 

Chatbots usually pop up on the homepage of a business’s website. When a user clicks onto the site, they will be met with a chat window where they can ask any question they like. 

The reason chatbots are so popular and will increase in use is they require no human on the other end – customers can be looked after in real-time without the business needing to communicate at that moment. So to stay at the top of the game with your customer service, you should hop on the chatbot trend in 2022. 

B2B Marketing Trends for 2022High-Quality Content 

There will be even more focus on quality over quantity when it comes to content. 

Instead of B2B businesses putting out many different types of content, they will put more effort into quality, not only for potential clients but also for search engines. 

The reason for this is the amount of competition. To rank higher and beat the crowd, content published must be engaging, original, and genuinely useful for readers. 

Go a step further and answer your customer’s queries and questions in your content for an even more significant impact.

Conversation-focused Keywords

Another popular B2B marketing trend for 2022 will be conversation-focused keywords. That means using keywords that are more likely to be said conversationally rather than typed out. For example, a user might say ‘what’s the best way to clean a carpet’ out loud but type ‘the best methods for carpet cleaning.’ 

The reason conversation-focused keywords will become so popular is the prevalence of voice commands such as Alexa and Google. 

Even more, businesses will use them in the coming months, so altering keywords to suit that will ensure you keep ranking high for the right audience. 

Evergreen Content 

Many B2B companies focus on current news articles for their website. While this will be useful, there will also be a trend of evergreen content on business’s blogs. 

Evergreen content means articles published will stay relevant for longer, contributing to ongoing growth for businesses. 

The topics covered in evergreen content are the type to be relevant years after publication. 

For example, an article covering best shopping buys in 2021 wouldn’t be considered evergreen, but one covering better shopping habits would be. 

For sustainable growth, evergreen content should be part of your B2B marketing strategy for 2022.

By knowing what B2B marketing trends are coming in 2022, you can stay ahead of the game. 

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